“The Long Slow Victory of Gnostic over Catholic Christianity”

There’s a fascinating interview with John Dominic Crossan about his new book In Search of Paul over at the Journal of Philosophy and Scripture (via Michael Pahl at the stuff of earth). The section that caught my attention has Crossan commenting on the direction Christianity has taken since the early 20th Century into an apolitical …

Intruding on a Sacrament

This morning’s Guardian gave me plenty to think about: Justin Cartwright writes about the meaning of life or, rather, its meaninglessness. Religious belief he sees as somewhere between pathetic and pernicious. What strikes me? I think its the tone of the piece: it sounds like its pointing out the obvious to those who should know …

Evolution and Theology

Evolution has surprisingly become the focus of debate in Roman Catholic circles after Cardinal Christoph Schönborn produced a critical editorial in the New York Times last month. Today’s Tablet contains a response by George Coyne, SJ, head of the Vatican Observatory. The Independent picked up the story.