Pray As You Go To Keep Going

The good news: Pray As You Go has been extended indefinitely. There’ll be (week-)daily podcasts for the foreseeable future as the project has been a great success, both in terms of number of downloads (past the quarter million mark) and user feedback.

The bad news: my health has been pretty lousy recently and blogging has petered out. Sorry! I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome aka ME and the graded exercise treatment programme I am in has been making things rather worse… so far at least. I’ll post more as I improve and have the stamina to preside at liturgy more.

5 replies on “Pray As You Go To Keep Going”

  1. Crystal & Fran: Thank you both for your concern. Treatment is a messy issue. I rattle with pills to ameliorate the various symptoms but long term healing is eluding me. I am currently enrolled in a clinical trial of nurse-led at-home graduated exercise therapy but, so far at least, it seems to have made things a lot worse rather than better.

  2. Hi Fr. Rob,

    Hope you have a speedy recovery. I look forward to seeing more of your homilies here regularly. What’s “ME” btw?


  3. I’m sorry to hear you’re still finding it tough Rob.
    I hope all is well with you though other than that, please expect a CD in the post as I have recently finished the documentary that you were so kind to agree to appear in.

    / Adam

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